Did you know? Cancer Prevention with the HPV Vaccine
There are 150+ strains of Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and 40 of those strains can infect the genitals and throat.
Each year there are about 27,000 new cases of HPV-related cancers that are totally preventable if the HPV vaccine is taken correctly. The earlier the vaccine is administered the better the chances of it preventing infection. Boys and girls can get the vaccine starting at age 11.
Please help us share this message and empower friends, family, students, and coworkers to prevent HPV-related cancers.
Learn more from HPVPittsburgh.org
The Jewish Healthcare Foundation has created a resource website for answering questions surrounding the HPV vaccine called HPVPittsburgh.org. There are resources for parents, teachers, health care professionals and teens.
Visit HPVPittsburgh.org to learn more
On-site HPV Vaccinations
A major roadblock to receiving the HPV vaccination is education and also finding the time to administer the 3-shot vaccination series. American HealthCare Group can provide on-site HPV vaccinations at any location, including schools, employers, and affordable housing buildings. We are hand-in-hand with those that are championing the way to better health care and more empowered patients and caretakers.
Learn more about our on-site HPV Vaccinations