Free ECE Courses Available in March

Online Professional Development
Are you interested in learning about a range of early childhood topics? Join Trying Together for our online professional development sessions.

Available Sessions:

Connections and Conversations

Benefits of Purposeful Programming and Partnerships
Wednesday, March 17, 2021  |  6 – 7 p.m.  |  One PQAS Credit Hour

Participants will develop skills to help implement new projects into their classrooms and successfully collaborate with community partners to facilitate these activities. Participants will also engage in virtual discussions with child development experts and interact with early learning practitioners to share questions, experiences, and expertise about utilizing evaluation tools to design, review, and renew program goals. 

Other Professional Growth Sessions

Strengthening Family Engagement: Tools for Positive Partnership*
Tuesday, March 16, 2021  |  12 – 1 p.m.  |  One PQAS Credit Hour

Early learning professionals will explore ways to leverage families’ strengths, maintain positive relationships, and connect families with community support. The Trying Together Family Engagement Toolkit will serve as a guide for supportive engagement strategies, along with the family engagement technology tool Message from Me

*This course is intended for educators in Allegheny County.

 Using Ages and Stages Questionnaires® as a Screening Tool
Thursday, March 18, 2021  |  6 – 9 p.m.  |  Three PQAS and/or Act 48 Credit Hours

During this course, participants will learn how to use the ASQ® and ASQ:SE® as a screening tool for children ages three months to five years old. This session will provide information on how to administer the screener, score the screener, and share the results with families. Presenters will also include resources for making referrals to additional services if needed. 

 Planning for Advocacy During Month of the Young Child
Thursday, March 25, 2021  |  1 – 2:30 p.m.  |  One and a Half PQAS and/or Act 48 Credit Hours

Presenters will review advocacy basics and discuss the Early Learning PA (ELPA) campaigns and the current policy landscape. Most importantly, presenters will plan ways you can take action throughout the Month of the Young Child (April) as a way to celebrate successes and advocate for continued support and investments.

 ELRC Region 5: Ask the Coaches (Keystone STARS)
Thursday, March 25, 2021  |  6:30 – 7:30 p.m.  |  One PQAS Credit Hour

Early Learning Resource Center (ELRC) Region 5 Quality Coaches will a host one-hour discussion for Allegheny County child care owners, directors, and teaching staff to ask questions, network with peers, and learn about resources that support all things Keystone STARS. 

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Available Programs

Child Development Associate (CDA) CredentialTrying Together offers three CDA programs that include individualized support for professionals in Pennsylvania. These programs include the following:
CDA Credential Preparation Program
CDA Credential Community of Practice Program
CDA Credential Renewal Program

To learn about these programs, visit our CDA Credential webpage

Apprenticeship in Pennsylvania
As an employer-driven program registered with the state of Pennsylvania, Apprenticeship combines on-the-job learning with related technical instruction to build skills and create pathways to earning a CDA Credential, Associate’s Degree, or Bachelor’s Degree. Apprenticeship is accepting new apprentices for the 2021 Spring and Summer semesters. To learn more, visit our website

Update Your Preferences
Are you interested in receiving personalized emails about courses that fit your schedule and suits your interests? Complete our online Professional Development: Topics of Interest and Preferences Form to let us know what topics you are interested in, your preferred days of the week, and more. 

 Update Your InterestsMore InformationFor questions about Trying Together’s professional development services, contact Jasmine Davis at To view additional opportunities to advance your career in the early childhood field, read our news post

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